Our 2022-2023 Program Schedule

SGSC meets first Saturday of the month (September through May) at Bethany Lutheran Church at 4500 E Hampden Avenue, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado (near Hampden and I-25). Meetings are generally two hours long and include committee reports and one or two presentations. Meetings are for members only, but please contact hej.sgsc@gmail.com for a guest pass!

Date:September 3, 2022
Time:9:30 am meeting
Title:Unexpected Delights from the 1950 Census: Mapping Family and Old Neighbors and Telling Their Stories
Speaker:Ron Floberg, SGSC Member, Past SGSC President and Program Chair

Date:October 1, 2022 (Zoom only)
Time:9:30 am meeting
Title:Fika on Zoom
Swedish Research Case Studies
Speaker:Kjell Andersson, SGSC Member, Research & Mentoring Chair

Date:November 5, 2022
Time:9:30 am meeting
Special Extended Meeting and Reception
Two Presentation from Guest Speaker

Door prizes for in-person attendees
Titles:Studying the Viking Age in Scandinavia
Speaker:Neil Price, Professor, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University, Sweden
Chair of Viking Study

Date:December 3, 2022
Title:Julbord – SGSC’s Annual Holiday Event
Location:Bethany Lutheran Church

Date:January 7, 2023
Time:9:30 am meeting
Title:Open Mic – Let’s hear from our members
Location:Bethany Lutheran Church

Date:February 4, 2023
Time:9:30 am meeting
Title:Tracking Down Grandpa in Swedish and Alaskan Records
Speaker:Monta Lee Dakin

Date:March 4, 2023
Time:9:30 am meeting
Title:Genealogy Mentoring Help: Fika on Zoom and In-person
Speaker:Kjell Anderson, SGSC Member, Research & Mentoring Chair

Date:April 1, 2023
Time:9:30 am meeting
Special Extended Meeting and Reception
Two Presentation from Guest Speaker

Door prizes for in-person attendees
Titles:What is New in ArkivDigital?
Filling in Your Family Tree with ArkivDigital
Speaker:Kathy Meade, North American Representative for ArkivDigital, an online service providing access to Swedish historical records

Date:May 6, 2023
Time:9:30 am meeting
Titles:Genealogical Sources
Speaker:Bev Harbourt, SGSC Member

SGSC is currently scheduling speakers for the fall of 2023. SGSC members especially are encouraged to share their research. Topics can include DNA, research findings on your family, black Sheep in your family, emigrating, and where your ancestors settled in America. Topic should relate to Swedish genealogy in Sweden or in the US. Practice time on SGSC’s zoom account will be offered.

Contact Program Chair Monta Lee Dakin about speaking: mld780@aol.com

If you have already offered to speak and need to confirm your scheduling, please contact Monta Lee again.

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