Welcome to the members-only portion of our website. From here you can launch to several resources that are available exclusively to members of the Swedish Genealogical Society of Colorado.
Tutorials – step-by-step instructions for specific types of Swedish genealogical research.
Special Collections – here is some information that you won’t find anywhere else!
- Lending Library – borrow books from SGSC before they are donated to the DPL reference library.
- Swedish Residents of Denver in 1910 – this is a high-quality scan with index and glossary material
- Fika One-on-one – this is a large collection of case studies. Includes step-by-step instruction and analysis of research strategies.
- Fika Netbook – access to paid databases via a private netbook computer
Member Resources – a big page of links directing you to all sorts of Swedish genealogy resources across the web. You can also download lists of the ancestral parishes and settlement areas for SGSC members.
Index to Presentations – find past meeting presentation handouts by chronological or by speaker name.
Meeting Minutes – an archive of past meeting minutes.